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28P Series High Preasure Hydraulic Hand Pump (280MPa)

28P Series High Preasure Hydraulic Hand Pump (280MPa)

28P-series high hydraulic hand pumps are designed for high hydraulic equipment.its pressure anew to 280Mpa,and customers can order every size of oil tank for different equipment.ATW serves a wide range accessory for this series.these products which are designed for serving true resolutions,entitled with TUV seal result of an effort with appropriate directives.


Product characteristics

Equipped with a pressure regulating valve , to adjust the output pressure.(Max Preasure 3500bar)
The built-in high and low pressure switching valve , low pressure high flow rate output

Operation manual

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Product selection form

28P Series Hand Pump Selection Chart

Type 28P80 28P160

Work Preasure MPa


2.0/280 2.0/280

One Stroke Oil ml


32/0.9 32/0.9
Full Tank Oil L 2.26 3.58
Available L 1.98 3.24
Size(A-B-C) 636/120/170 626/140/190
Oil inferface 3/4"-16UNF 3/4"-16UNF
Gauge inferface 1/2"BSP 1/2"BSP
Weight 8.5 10.5

technical data

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COPYRIGHT?2017WREN hydrauli;hydraulic torque wrench manufacturing;hydraulic cylinder浙ICP備13002559號-1

   Technical support:HZEU

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